The six finalist projects of the second Z-Pitch Contest are announced:
- Drag priest by Innocenzo Mulieri, Barbara Amoruso, Brigitta Fiertler
- Le figlie della notte by Andrea Vitelli, Giulia Minella
- Marmellata di insetti by Ruben Gagliardini
- Nei miei panni by Pierfrancesco Izzo
- Komorebi by Marco Serra, Gisella Grandis
- La festa è finita by Lorenzo Vitrone
The authors of the finalist projects will be able to participate in the masterclass to be held on 21 April at the Rome campus of NABA, aimed at preparing the pitching session in front of a competent and qualified audience. In addition, all participants will have the opportunity to meet with a number of professionals from the audiovisual sector and receive specific feedback to understand how a project may be received by the interlocutors in the industry.