Festa del cinema
The Fondazione Cinema per Roma was established in February 2007 to promote cinema at a local, national and international level.
Always committed to revitalize and support the audiovisual industry in Rome and the Lazio region with an artistic and industrial approach, it supports the dissemination of film culture among audiences, especially young people. It develops film education projects in schools and educational institutions at every level. Over the years the Foundation has worked in collaboration with institutional partners, including the Ministry for the Cultural Heritage and Activities, the Fondazione MAXXI, the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia (National Film Center), private partners and the entire range of industry associations.
The Fondazione creates and organizes one of the most important international events dedicated to the seventh art, the Rome Film Fest. It also manages the Casa del Cinema in Villa Borghese and realizes a series of summer arenas in the Capital, including Roma Cinema Arena at Acquedotti Park and the Arenas of Tor Bella Monaca, Santa Maria della Pietà and Corviale. Fondazione furthermore is the implementing body of the UNESCO Rome City of Film project.
Festa del cinema
Screenings, encounters, retrospectives, tributes, exhibitions, conferences and many other events make up the programme of the Rome Film Fest every year. The Fest was founded in 2006, and since its earliest editions, has become one of the most highly anticipated events at the local, national and international level. The focus of the event, which takes place in October every year, is the Auditorium Parco della Musica: the complex designed by Renzo Piano is home to the main screening theatres, while the long avenue that leads to the Cavea is transformed into one of the largest red carpets in the world. From the Auditorium, the Rome Film Fest radiates out into the city, with an ample array of initiatives from the city’s centre to the suburbs.
The Fondazione Cinema per Roma organize a programme of activities that take place throughout the year in the iconic locations of the Capital, from the city centre to the suburbs. The Fondazione is also responsible for the management and programming of the Casa del Cinema. The activities of the Fondazione Cinema per Roma are made possible by the support of the Ministry of Culture, Roma Capitale, Regione Lazio, Chamber of Commerce of Rome, Cinecittà S.p.A. and the Fondazione Musica per Roma.
Rome City of Film: in December 2015, Rome was recognized as a UNESCO Creative City of Film. The action plan contemplates the development of six projects over a four-year period on a local and international scale. These projects are aimed at encouraging the development of new technologies in the entire audiovisual industry.
Festa del cinema
Founding Members
Roma Capitale
Regione Lazio
Cinecittà S.p.A.
Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato e Agricoltura di Roma
Fondazione Musica per Roma
Board of Founders
Lorenzo TAGLIAVANTI (President) – President of Chamber of Commerce of Rome
Roberto GUALTIERI – Mayor of Roma Capitale
Francesco ROCCA – Governor of Regione Lazio
Chiara SBARIGIA – President of Cinecittà S.p.A.
Claudia MAZZOLA – President of the Fondazione Musica per Roma
Board of Directors
Salvatore NASTASI (President)
Raffaele RANUCCI
Pietro PENNACCHI (President)
Silvia MUZI (Staff Auditor)
Roberto SERRENTINO (Staff Auditor)
Fondazione Cinema per Roma
Salvatore NASTASI
Lawyer and civil servant, he has served as the Director General for the Performing Arts, Chief of Staff and Secretary General of the Ministry of Culture. He was Deputy Secretary General of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. Since 2022 he has been the President of the Società Italiana degli Autori ed Editori SIAE and a Member of the Board of Directors of the Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Giovanni Treccani.
Fondazione Cinema per Roma
Francesca VIA
Always a leading figure in the organizational structure of Fondazione Cinema per Roma and the Rome Film Fest, with extensive experience in cultural management, first as chief operating manager of the Auditorium Parco della Musica and then in the world of cinema and festivals, as General Manager and COO of Fondazione Cinema per Roma.
Rome Film Fest
Fondazione Cinema per Roma
Journalist and film critic, one of the founders of the magazine Duel and one of the main contributors to Paolo Mereghetti’s Dizionario dei Film (The Films’ Dictionary), author of famous essays on some of the great authors of world cinema and deputy director of Rai Cinema.